Saturday, May 25, 2019


Thanks for TESPTO, we were able to go to Project Adventure in Danvers. What a great opportunity for our class to challenge themselves and learn to work as a team. There were many different kinds of activities and games that targeted skills such as listening to each other, cooperating as small groups and as a team, solving problems and sticking with a task.

One task was they had to solve the riddle of the jump rope. If they did it right, the jump rope continued spinning. If they did it wrong, the jump rope stopped. So, they had to keep at it and come up with plans and solutions together.
Here they are trying one of their ideas:

The students also were challenged to raise a pole, make it stand and lift a tire over it. All of this had to be accomplished using ropes and team work!

There was an obstacle course where teams had to get their teammates safely to "home base" without touching the "lava." They found clever ways to work together and accomplish the task.