Tuesday, January 5, 2016


When the New Year arrives, people often resolve to make improvements in themselves. Well, today our class was treated to an educational program that inspired us to make improvements in our environment. 
Change Is Simple is an educational environmental group that works with schools to help students understand how their actions impact the world around them. Today, each fourth grade class learned about endangered species and what factors have led to their endangered status from this program. Our class will work with Change Is Simple two more times this year.

The bald eagle was once an endangered species. Change Is Simple helped us learn how making one change in a law about a chemical these beautiful creatures are now thriving again in our country. In the picture below, we are shown how much larger a bald eagle is than our tallest classmate.

We played a game much like musical chairs. It showed us how small changes in our environment affect the animals in the area. As their habitat is encroached upon, they become endangered or worse, extinct.
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