What is better than spending time doing something you LOVE? That is the idea behind Passion Projects. Students in 4K were given some time each week for 9 weeks to investigate ANY topic they were CURIOUS about. Along with learning more about the topic they have a high interest in, the purpose was to engage them in learning researching skills, how to persevere and to work independently.
There was a wide range of passion topics in 4K. Topics included: "How did lacrosse start?" "Who wrote the first book?" Rollercoasters, famous artists, polar bears, cheerleading, kissing bugs, computer programming of games, and more.
The students got a chance to show their hard work off to their parents.

What a wonderful celebration of interest driven learning! You've inspired me to create time for passion projects with my students. This project is a perfect reminder that student choice and interests need to be woven into learning as much as possible. Thank you for sharing this.