Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Traveling Teddies Are On Their Way

Our bears are off on their adventures across the country and it all began with us giving them a proper sendoff and wishing them farewell.
We can't wait to learn all about our country from our bears as they travel around the USA.
After the send-off, we placed  them ever so carefully on the mailtruck righ here in Topsfield.


We Are Thankful!

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Geography Game!

Our class is learning all about the Northeast Region of the United States. As we have been touring the region during social studies as we focus on our Essential Question: Why is the Northeast known as the "Birthplace of our Nation?" As we visited, Boston we learned about the American Revolution and how it started in this state. This lead to the forming of our nation.

We will be having a quiz on the states and capitals of this region on Thursday.
Click here to go to a site to practice the locations of the states.
Click here to go to a site to practice the capitals.